Keene Township, Ionia County, Michigan

Public Notices
*Note: Due to the Shoppers Guide no longer providing their paper to the general Keene Township residents, the Township will be placing legal notices in the Ionia County Sentinel Standard which will be in the Legal section. We will also be publishing these same notices occasionally, additionally by putting them in the Shoppers Guide, Lowell Ledger, or Lowell Buyers Guide as needed depending on the application location and topic. Only residents in the 48881 zip code will get the Shoppers Guide by mail. Others will have to pick up the Guide at their Saranac office or some Belding stores/gas stations. Lowell Buyers Guide is also now mailed and goes to 49331 addresses. All legal notices will also, as usual, be on the Township Website and posted at the Township Hall.
Zoning Ordinance Amendments
The Board adopted 4 zoning ordinance amendments on January 14, 2025. They consist of the commercial solar ordinance, the commercial solar moratorium, the commercial wind moratorium, and the commercial battery storage moratorium. Click on "Notice Amends" below for the public notice details and each of the 4 "ordinances" below. The first pages of each are the resolutions to the Board and the remaining pages are the actual "ordinances" that are amended or added. *These ordinances became effective on February 1.*
Note - for the older resolutions on the solar moratoriums and related info go to the Information Tab and then the Resolutions Tab to read them all.
Meeting Dates
Keene Township Hall
8505 Potters Rd, Saranac, MI 48881
Keene Township Regular Meeting Dates
All Meetings Start at 7:00 pm unless posted differently
Printable 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Meeting Dates
Township Board
2024-2025 Fiscal Year
April 9
May 14
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 10 moved to 11th
January 14, 2025
February 11, 2025
March 12, 2025 Wed. (Regular & Annual Meeting) (note, date was moved from the 11th)
Planning Commission
2025-2026 Fiscal Year
January 22 Wed.
January 27 Mon.
February 4 Tues. Added Special Meetings Feb. 26, Mar. 24, Mar. 31
March 10 Mon.
May 12 Mon.
August 11 Mon.
November 5 Wed.
February 3 Tues. 2026
Zoning Board of Appeals
Meet only when an application is received. Watch Public Notices for any applications coming up.
*See public notice above for any current applications
Note: Meeting minutes are under the Information tab, then the Minutes tab to view them. Meeting dates are on the left side of this page, scroll to the bottom of the page. Meetings start at 7:00 pm unless posted differently.
Pay Property Taxes Online!
Keene landowners can now pay their property taxes online as a new option! Click on "Departments", then "Taxes" for the details and link.
The Treasurer will be at the Township Hall to accept property tax payments on February 14 and February 28 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Township Commissions/Boards Openings
The Township Board is looking for an alternate person to fill in on the Zoning Board of Appeals if a regular member cannot attend a meeting. The terms are for 3 years. They only meet upon an application for variance, interpretation or appeal of a zoning decision. See the link below for the application form which details the duties. Send the application to the Supervisor at the email of or mail to Keene Supervisor, PO Box 24, Saranac MI 48881.
The Township Board is still seeking an alternate member for the Board of Review (BOR). It is for a two year term beginning January 1 at noon 2025 and they meet 3 times a year. A background in real estate or taxes is helpful. Please apply by emailing an application to Corey Wojcik at or by mail to Keene Township Supervisor, PO Box 24, Saranac MI 48881. Click on "BOR Alternate App" below for an application and more details on the duties.
The Township Board is still taking applications for the Planning Commission. The terms are for 3 years and they meet a minimum of 4 times a year and others by special meeting. Please apply by emailing Corey Wojcik at or by mail to Keene Township Supervisor, PO Box 24, Saranac MI 48881. Click on "PC Application" below for an application form and more details on the duties.
2024 Winter Newsletter
Renewable Energy Survey Results
Click on the Information tab, then Miscellaneous Info dropdown tab