Keene Township, Ionia County, Michigan

Township Ordinances
Click the link below to download and view Keene Township Ordinances
Updated 7-1-2024
Junk and Unlicensed Vehicle Ordinance
Recreational Marihuana Ordinance
Solar Energy Systems Ordinance
Solar Ordinance with amendments/changes incorporated:
Commercial Solar Ordinance and Moratorium Below are Adopted and Effective 2-1-25
From Board
Commercial Wind and Battery Storage Moratoriums Below are Adopted and Effective 2-1-25
Recreational Marijuana Ordinances:
Township Master Plan
Other Ordinances
Consumers Energy Gas Franchise Ordinance
Solar Ordinance Adopted 11-12-24
Note: An intent letter and petitions submitted were received to file for a referendum on this ordinance so it will not become effective until that process is completed. Meanwhile, the 2018 solar ordinance remains in effect.
The Township Board has adopted an amendment to the zoning ordinance regarding commercial solar energy systems on 11-12-24. Click on "Comm Solar Notice" below for the full notice of adoption. Click on "Comm Solar Ordinance" to view the new commercial solar ordinance. Click on "Overlay Map 1" and "Overlay Map 2" to view the overlay areas where solar panels may be placed if an application is submitted.