Keene Township, Ionia County, Michigan
Planning Commission
The Township Planning Commission is responsible for creating and adopting a basic master plan as a guide for the development of the unincorporated portions of the Township and reviewing special use applications and conducting site plan reviews. They also create and propose amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Member terms are 3 years.
Current Members:
Denny Briggs - Chairperson
Nate Wolff - Board Representative
Ray Krieger
Matt Stahlin
Nancy Solomon - Secretary
Cori Wilber -Vice-Chairperson
Open Position
Meeting Schedule (meetings start at 7:00 pm unless posted differently)
2025-2026 Fiscal Year
January 22 Wed.
January 27 Mon.
February 4 Tues.
March 10 Mon.
May 12 Mon.
August 11 Mon.
November 5 Wed.
February 3 Tues. 2026
If you would like to serve on the Planning Commission, you may print out the application below and submit it to the Township.
Pending Applications